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The McLaine Institute For
Tornado and Hurricane Mitigation Research

We can control Tornadoes & Hurricanes!

  • No one should lose their home or businesses
  • No one should be injured or die
  • We can restrain them in one place
  • We can move them away from cities and people
  • We can weaken their strength and kill them with the new technology we are developing !!!

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA

  • Select a Self-Directed IRA Custodian. Your self-directed IRA is held by a custodian. …
  • Choose a Precious Metals Dealer.
  • Decide What Products to Buy. …
  • Choose a Depository. …
  • Complete the Transaction.

Precious Metal IRA Gold and silver have been historically used as a means of protecting wealth for various reasons:

  1. Store of Value: Gold and silver have intrinsic value and have been recognized as valuable assets for thousands of years. They are tangible and scarce, making them less susceptible to the fluctuations and inflationary pressures that affect fiat currencies. As a result, people often turn to precious metals as a way to preserve their wealth over time.
  2. Hedge against Inflation: Precious metals, particularly gold, have often served as a hedge against inflation. When the purchasing power of fiat currencies declines due to rising inflation, the value of gold and silver tends to hold steady or increase. As a result, investors may allocate a portion of their wealth to these metals to protect against inflation’s erosive effects on their purchasing power.
  3. Diversification: Holding gold and silver can provide diversification benefits to an investment portfolio. Different asset classes tend to perform differently under various economic conditions. Adding precious metals to a portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, and other assets can help reduce overall risk and enhance stability.
  4. Safe Haven: During times of economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, or market turmoil, investors often seek safe-haven assets like gold and silver. The perceived stability and lack of counterparty risk associated with precious metals can attract investors looking to safeguard their wealth during turbulent times.
  5. Universal Acceptance: Gold and silver are recognized and accepted globally as valuable assets. They can be easily exchanged for cash or used as a form of payment in many parts of the world. This widespread acceptance makes them a convenient and portable store of value.
  6. Liquidity: Precious metals, especially gold, tend to be highly liquid assets. Investors can easily buy and sell them in various forms, such as coins, bars, or exchange-traded products, ensuring quick access to funds when needed.

However, it’s important to note that like any investment, gold and silver also come with their own risks and considerations. The prices of these metals can be volatile, and their value may not always move in tandem with other asset classes. Additionally, they don’t generate any income like dividends or interest, so investors should carefully assess their financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon before allocating a significant portion of their wealth to precious metals.

As with any financial decision, seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor is strongly recommended to ensure that gold and silver align with your specific financial circumstances and objectives

Real Estate

Many reading this will remember we warned investors in 2005 about the upcoming decline in RE values and again a year ago in regard to what is happening again in many states now. Savvy investors were able then and now are able to cash in on their equity with this advanced knowledge of owned properties and then buy REO later at a much-reduced rate. We expect to again to participate in this highly lucrative market again. THESE OPPORTUNITIES ONLY COME Along A FEW TIMES IN A LIFETIME. FOR THOSE OVER 65 THIS MAY BE OUR LAST TIME IN OUR LIFESPAN TO CAPITALIZE ON THIS, It could evolve that you do not get your equity out of your property for retirement it will not be there. We trained agents and brokers all over the country in the most successful methods on how to do of our trainers had over 100 REO residential listings in her offices…imagine the commissions generated.. also we were involved in setting up Commercial REO brokers is our belief it will be time to revive this organization as this market progresses down the same path now as 2006.. these properties are declining in value in many areas now. The banks are beginning to have significant defaults in many areas in both residential and commercial real estate.. Office space is 50% unleased in many places already.

Investment Plan

Certainly, individual investors have unique goals, risk tolerances, and preferences, so there’s no one-size-fits-all investment strategy. However, here are some general investment strategies that investors often consider. Keep in mind that these are not recommendations, and it’s crucial to do your own research or consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions:

  1. Diversification:
    • What it is: Spreading your investments across different asset classes (e.g., stocks, bonds, real estate) to reduce risk.
    • Why it’s used: Diversification can help mitigate the impact of poor-performing investments in one area by balancing them with better-performing ones.
  2. Asset Allocation:
    • What it is: Determining the right mix of asset classes in your portfolio based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.
    • Why it’s used: Asset allocation is a key driver of portfolio performance. It involves balancing risk and return to align with your investment objectives.
  3. Long-Term Investing:
    • What it is: Holding investments for an extended period, typically years or decades.
    • Why it’s used: Long-term investing allows investors to ride out short-term market fluctuations and benefit from the compounding of returns over time.
  4. Value Investing:
    • What it is: Seeking undervalued stocks or assets based on fundamental analysis.
    • Why it’s used: Value investors believe that the market sometimes undervalues strong companies, and over time, the market will correct itself, leading to potential profits.
  5. Growth Investing:
    • What it is: Focusing on stocks or assets with high potential for future growth, even if they have high valuations.
    • Why it’s used: Growth investors aim to benefit from the capital appreciation of rapidly growing companies, even if they may be currently trading at a premium.
  6. Income Investing:
    • What it is: Building a portfolio that generates a steady stream of income through dividends, interest, or other distributions.
    • Why it’s used: Income investors often seek stable and predictable returns, especially those who are in or nearing retirement.
  7. Risk Management:
    • What it is: Implementing strategies to protect against potential losses.
    • Why it’s used: Managing risk is crucial to preserve capital. Techniques include using stop-loss orders, setting position size limits, and employing hedging strategies.
  8. Market Timing:
    • What it is: Attempting to predict the direction of the market and make investment decisions based on those predictions.
    • Why it’s used: Some investors try to take advantage of short-term market trends. However, market timing is challenging and often involves a high level of risk.

Remember that the best strategy depends on your financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment goals. It’s advisable to regularly review and adjust your strategy as your circumstances change. Additionally, staying informed about market conditions and economic trends is essential for making informed investment decisions.

Our main goal is the conservation and protection of client’s and associates capital

iF you are goal related to financial management AND investment.,, and your main goal is the conservation and protection your’ capital with low or no risk it likely involves strategies and practices to safeguard and grow your assets while minimizing risks. Here are some key principles and strategies that might align with this goal:

  1. Risk Management:
    • Identify and assess potential risks to capital.
    • Diversify investments to spread risk across different assets or asset classes.
    • Use risk management tools such as insurance and hedging strategies.
  2. Due Diligence:
    • Conduct thorough research and analysis before making investment decisions.
    • Stay informed about market conditions, economic trends, and geopolitical events that could impact investments.
  3. Asset Protection:
    • Implement strategies to protect assets from potential threats, such as legal liabilities.
    • Consider the use of legal structures like trusts for asset protection.
  4. Conservative Investment Approach:
    • Opt for conservative investment strategies that prioritize capital preservation over aggressive growth.
    • Focus on stable and well-established investments with a history of consistent performance.
  5. Client Education:
    • Educate clients and associates about the investment strategies being employed and the associated risks.
    • Set realistic expectations regarding returns and potential fluctuations in the value of their capital.
  6. Regular Monitoring and Adjustments:
    • Continuously monitor the performance of investments.
    • Be prepared to make adjustments to the investment portfolio based on changing market conditions or shifts in the client’s financial goals.
  7. Liquidity Management:
    • Ensure that there is sufficient liquidity to meet potential short-term needs.
    • Balance long-term investments with sufficient cash or liquid assets for emergencies.
  8. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence:
    • Stay compliant with relevant financial regulations and laws.
    • Adhere to ethical standards and fiduciary responsibilities.
  9. Communication:
    • Maintain open and transparent communication with clients and associates.
    • Keep them informed about the status of their investments and any relevant market developments.
  10. Long-Term Focus:
    • Encourage a long-term investment perspective to weather short-term market volatility.
    • Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.

These principles can help guide a financial management approach focused on the conservation and protection of clients’ and associates’ capital. Keep in mind that the specifics may vary based on the nature of the investments, the risk tolerance of clients, and the overall economic environment.

Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans are a type of short-term, asset-based financing that is secured by real property. These loans are often used by real estate investors who need quick access to capital or who may not qualify for traditional financing due to factors such as poor credit history or the unconventional nature of the property being purchased.

Here are some key characteristics of hard money loans:

  1. Asset-Based: Hard money loans are secured by the value of the underlying real estate property. Lenders focus more on the collateral (property) rather than the borrower’s creditworthiness.
  2. Short-Term: These loans typically have a short repayment period, often ranging from a few months to a few years. The idea is that the borrower will either sell the property or refinance with a traditional mortgage to repay the hard money loan.
  3. Higher Interest Rates: Hard money lenders charge higher interest rates compared to traditional lenders. This is because these loans are considered riskier due to the focus on collateral rather than the borrower’s financial history.
  4. Quick Approval and Funding: One of the main advantages of hard money loans is that they can be approved and funded much more quickly than traditional loans. This is crucial for real estate investors who need to move quickly on opportunities.
  5. Flexible Terms: Hard money lenders may be more flexible than traditional lenders in terms of the loan structure. They can tailor the terms to meet the specific needs of the borrower and the deal.
  6. Use Cases: Hard money loans are often used for real estate investment projects such as fix-and-flip properties, where the investor intends to purchase a property, renovate it, and sell it quickly for a profit.
  7. Risk and Costs: While hard money loans can be a valuable tool for real estate investors, they come with higher risks and costs. Borrowers need to carefully consider the financial implications and have a clear exit strategy for repaying the loan.

It’s important for borrowers to thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of hard money loans, including interest rates, fees, and repayment schedules, before entering into such an arrangement. Additionally, as with any financial transaction, seeking legal and financial advice is recommended to ensure that the terms are fair and align with the borrower’s goals.


Investment Protection

“When building an investment portfolio, it can be tempting to find one asset or asset class you trust and build your entire strategy around that. There’s just one problem with this, though – what if something happens and that asset or class collapses? With all your proverbial eggs in one proverbial basket, you’re left high and dry. This is why virtually any financial advisor will tell  you that diversification is the key to a successful investing strategy. If you’re a newcomer to the world of investing, it may be a little bit nerve-racking to build a diversified portfolio.  Gold is a great way to do so.
If you’re looking to diversify your portfolio in the new year, there are some simple steps you can take to build a stronger, safer portfolio. Here are a few ideas:
Gold is probably the oldest investment on the planet, and it remains a strong one for people looking to diversify their portfolios. Gold is a good way to add diversity for a few reasons, including that it acts as a hedge against inflation.
Inflation is always something that savers and investors have to think about, but it has been top of mind for many recently, as the inflation rate has been high for the past 18 months, peaking at more than 9% year-over-year in June 2022. If the inflation rate outpaces your investment return rate, you’re actually losing purchasing power despite having more cash in your account. The value of gold tends to track alongside inflation, though, so your true value won’t change too much.
Another reason to add gold to your portfolio is that it has intrinsic value and is a tangible asset – in other words, gold will more than likely never be completely worthless, whereas other assets like stocks and bonds could in theory completely crater. 
A mutual fund is an investment product that pools the money of many investors and buys various assets, generally stocks and bonds. When you invest in a mutual fund, you create a diverse portfolio without even having to make multiple investments. An indexed fund takes another step and invests across an existing stock index such as the S&P 500.
When you use an indexed fund, you basically invest in the market (or a sector of the market) as a whole. When the market goes up or down generally, so will your portfolio. You might not get the huge gains you could see if you pick an individual stock, but you also won’t see all your money disappear if that company collapses. 
Don’t forget about the fact that not all of your money needs to be in investments at all times. Keeping some money as cash not only protects you against market fluctuations, it also gives you liquidity if you have an emergency.
There are a variety of ways to keep money as cash, but some of the most popular are money market accounts, high-yield savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs). Whichever vehicle you pick, just make sure you’re doing something where you’ll earn as much interest as possible. Even if you’re not making active investments, you still want your money to be working for you rather than sitting in a regular account doing nothing.Building a diversified portfolio isn’t easy. If you’re a novice investor or simply don’t have the time to do the research needed to build a secure, effective and diverse portfolio, consider working with a professional.
A financial advisor will work with you to build a portfolio that fits your needs while making sure you have diverse investments to protect your wealth. Take the time to speak with a few potential advisors and find one whom you feel comfortable with. Some advisors will actively manage your portfolio with you while others will just help you draw up a plan, so make sure the advisor you pick provides the services you need.
Diversifying your portfolio is key to long-term success as an investor. If all of your money is focused on one asset or even just one asset class, you run the risk of losing your money if it turns out to be a bad bet. By putting money in many different types of investments, you protect yourself and your wealth. Gold is a solid investment for the purpose of diversification, as are indexed funds. A financial advisor can also help you build a fully diversified portfolio.” 

Commercial and residential REO real estate repossessed by banks

REO, which stands for Real Estate Owned, refers to properties that banks or lenders have acquired through the foreclosure process. When a borrower fails to make mortgage payments, the lender can foreclose on the property, take possession, and attempt to sell it to recover the outstanding loan amount. Here’s how commercial and residential REO real estate typically works:

Residential REO:

  1. Foreclosure Process:
    • When a homeowner defaults on their mortgage payments, the lender initiates the foreclosure process.
    • The property is auctioned, and if there are no buyers, it becomes Real Estate Owned by the lender.
  2. Bank Ownership:
    • Once the lender owns the property, it becomes part of their REO inventory.
  3. Management and Maintenance:
    • The bank may have a designated department or outsource the management of REO properties to handle tasks like maintenance, security, and any necessary repairs.
  4. Listing and Sale:
    • The bank usually lists the property for sale through real estate agents or online platforms.
    • The goal is to sell the property and recover as much of the outstanding loan amount as possible.
  5. Pricing and Negotiation:
    • Pricing may be competitive to attract buyers.
    • Negotiations may involve the bank considering offers and potentially making counteroffers.
  6. Financing:
    • Buyers can typically use financing, including mortgages, to purchase residential REO properties.

Commercial REO:

Commercial REO follows a similar process but with some differences:

  1. Foreclosure Process:
    • The foreclosure process for commercial properties can be more complex than residential properties.
  2. Property Type:
    • Commercial REO can include various types of properties, such as office buildings, retail spaces, industrial facilities, and more.
  3. Management and Marketing:
    • The management and marketing of commercial REO often involve specialized commercial real estate professionals.
  4. Buyer Requirements:
    • Buyers of commercial REO properties might need to meet specific financial criteria, and financing options can vary.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Considerations:
    • Commercial real estate transactions may involve more legal and regulatory complexities compared to residential transactions.

Considerations for Buyers:

  • Due Diligence:
    • Buyers, whether for residential or commercial REO, should conduct thorough due diligence to assess the property’s condition, market value, and any legal encumbrances.
  • Financing:
    • Buyers should secure financing before making an offer.
  • Negotiation:
    • Negotiation with banks may be different from dealing with individual sellers, and terms can be less flexible.
  • Market Conditions:
    • The market conditions and demand for real estate can influence the pricing and negotiation dynamics.

Both residential and commercial REO properties offer opportunities for buyers, but it’s crucial for buyers to understand the specifics of each market and property type and work with professionals experienced in REO transactions.

Meet with us in 2024

Why Choose Us ? our organization is built on trust to become an associate you must be recommended by an associate you have done business with over the years and pay fees.

Our organization has a unique and somewhat exclusive approach to bringing in new associates. Relying on recommendations from existing associates can be a strong way to build trust and ensure that new members are likely to align with the values and standards of your organization.

Here are a few considerations and suggestions:

  1. Transparency: We insure that the process is transparent. Potential associates should understand the criteria for recommendation, the fees involved, and any other relevant information. Transparency builds trust.
  2. Communication: Clearly communicate the benefits of being an associate. This could include access to a network of reputable professionals, exclusive business opportunities, or other advantages that come with being part of our organization.
  3. Fee Structure: Make sure the fee structure is fair and reasonable. Excessive fees can deter potential associates and may lead to a negative perception of our organization.
  4. Value Proposition: We emphasize the value that associates bring to each other and to the organization as a whole. This could be in terms of business growth, shared resources, or collaborative opportunities.
  5. Selection Criteria: Clearly define the criteria for being recommended. This could include a track record of ethical business practices, a certain level of experience, or other factors that align with our organization’s values.
  6. Regular Evaluation: Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of this system. Are associates finding value in their memberships? Are there areas for improvement in the recommendation process?
  7. Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking opportunities among associates. This can strengthen the sense of community within our organization and enhance the overall experience for members.
  8. Legal Compliance: Ensure that your organization’s processes and requirements comply with any legal regulations or industry standards.

Remember that while an exclusive approach can build trust and a strong community, it’s important to balance this with inclusivity and fairness. We want to create an environment where associates feel they are part of a valuable network and are motivated to contribute positively to the organization. YOUR WORD IS YOUR BOND!!!!

Many people have learned the hard way it is easier to make money then to keep it!!

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We Are licensed BROKERS AND AGENTS  DOING ANALYSTS SINCE THE 1970’S WITH A SUCCESSFUL DOCUMENTED TRACK RECORD WITH REFERENCES FROM CLIENTS WHO MUST REFER YOU US TO BECOME AFFILIATE..We aspire to set the standard for integrity, transparency, and reliability in our approach. Through unwavering ethical practices, we aim to build and maintain a foundation of trust with our clients, ensuring their financial security and peace of mind.”

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“Our vision is to be the beacon of trust and ethical conduct in the realm of managing and safeguarding financial resources. We aspire to set the standard for integrity, transparency, and reliability in our approach. Through unwavering ethical practices, we aim to build and maintain a foundation of trust with our clients, ensuring their financial security and peace of mind.”

Our Mission

“Our mission is to protect and preserve our clients’ financial resources through tailored strategies, innovative solutions, and unwavering dedication to their financial security. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, providing comprehensive protective services, and ensuring that our clients’ interests always come first.”

From Our Blog

Recent News

  •  Home prices in Ventura County

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, for example, home prices in Ventura County have shot up as if out of a cannon, dipped slightly, and now appear to be leveling off at a modest annual growth rate. That in no way is keeping up with real inflation…

    In this particular area, the one constant has been a shortage of homes to buy and sell as it is in many other areas of this great country..

    In September, there were 492 houses and condominiums sold in Ventura County, according to data from the real estate information company CoreLogic. That was 19% below the previous month and 33% less than the number of sales a year earlier, in September 2022.

    The median price of all homes sold in the county in September 2023, including condos and single-family homes, was $810,000, down 1% from the previous month but up 5.9% from a year earlier. The median price of free-standing single-family homes was $855,000 in September 2023 and climbed to $899,000 in October, according to data from the California Association of Realtors.

    Sales are scarce everywhere, with rising interest rates making mortgages more expensive. But in Ventura County, the market has been especially congested: Our annual decline in sales volume of 33% was significantly more than the declines in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino or San Diego Counties. Home sales in Los Angeles County, for example, dropped by 23% from September 2022 to September 2023, and sales in Orange County were down 18%.

    “We have shortages at all levels of homes,” said Timothy McDougall, a real estate agent with Sotheby’s in Westlake Village and the president of the Conejo Simi Moorpark Association of Realtors. “Prices have remained steady and inventory is low, and typically homes don’t stay on the market that long.”

    Mortgage interest rates are near their highest point in the last 20 years, which makes both buying and selling homes less attractive. Many homeowners are locked into mortgages on their current homes with much lower rates than what they would have to pay if they moved, and first-time buyers have to spend much more to get a similarly priced home than buyers did a few years ago.

    The current average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 7.75%, according to That rate was at 3% or lower for most of the time between the middle of 2020 and the end of 2021, and had been below 4% for most of the decade before that.

    At the current rate, a standard 30-year mortgage on an $810,000 home, with a 20% down payment, would result in payments of $4,663 per month, not including property taxes and insurance, according to’s mortgage calculator. Three years ago, a home bought for that price with a standard loan would have had a mortgage payment of $2,635 per month.

    “People who are in their existing sub-3% mortgages from the last few years don’t want to get out of those,” said Carolyn Triebold, an agent with Real Broker in Camarillo. “One buyer I had told me recently, ‘I never thought this would be our forever home, but there’s no way I’d want to get out of a 2.5% mortgage to get into an 8%.’”

    Pandemic spike ‘crazy’

    Home prices are climbing again after a dip in late 2022 and early 2023, and the recent increases of between 5% and 6% per year are still far below those of the first two years of the pandemic, when prices in Ventura County rose by as much as 20% per year.

    Home prices early in the pandemic “went up unrealistically, they went crazy,” Triehold said. She said we’re now seeing a “soft landing” from those highs, with prices staying flat or growing slowly for most of 2023.

    The last time home prices rose by more than 10% per year was in the early 2000s, and that ended with a massive crash in values starting in 2007, when the bubble burst. Triebold said she doesn’t see that happening again because homeowners don’t have nearly the same debt levels that they had during the early 2000s boom.

    High interest rates tend to push home prices down, just as they do for other goods and services in the economy, while a shortage of available homes and high demand pushes prices up. Right now the equilibrium is the “soft landing” Triebold described, with slowly rising home prices, but she thinks prices could skyrocket again if interest rates drop.

    New stock in short supply

    There is still plenty of demand for homes in Ventura County, she said, even at the current mortgage rates. Triebold works with a lot of buyers from Los Angeles or the San Francisco Bay Area who now work from home some or all of the time. They see Ventura County as an ideal location for a weekly commute to a Los Angeles-area office, or a monthly or quarterly trip to the Bay Area.

    “What I’m afraid of is if we start to see more interest rate declines, it’s going to break open the floodgates and we might see a race back into the market,” Triebold said.

    And there aren’t enough houses for them to buy, she said. Ventura County has by far the fewest sales of newly built homes in the Southern California region. In September, there were only four new homes sold in the county, down from 60 a year earlier. Riverside County, which has about three times the population of Ventura County, has had about 10 times as many new-home sales in recent years, according to CoreLogic’s data.

    “We’re seeing some new construction in multi-family,” including new apartment buildings in Ventura and Oxnard, Triebold said. “But there’s a real shortage in single-family home construction.”

    “It’s very concerning for those people who want to buy their first home, or move out of their parents’ home,” McDougall said. “It’s just a shortage of housing, that’s what it comes down to. …We live in an amazing area and people want to live here, and they need places to live.”


    Now Warren Buffett warns there will be “extreme consequences”

    Because the 2022 market downturn sent everything spiraling out of control.

    In 2022 alone, Fidelity Investments reports the average retirement account plummeted 23%.

    Meanwhile CNBC says 3 out of every 4 middle-class households report their income is falling.

    And with inflation sending the cost of goods soaring, the Federal Reserve reports, “more workers find their wages falling even further behind.”Less savings. Less income. And higher costs… Falling living standards for the millions of Americans sliding faster into poverty...